Happy 50th Anniversary, Freeman Missionary Church!
It has been 50 years since the Missionary Church started in Freeman. The actual anniversary date was July 6th, the date of the first service in our town, held in the High School band room.
Thank God for men like Rev. Passey, pastor of the Bridgewater Church, who first made the suggestion of starting a new church in Freeman. And Rev. Ortmann who conveyed this thought to District Superintendent Rev. Marvin Engbrecht and the district board, and who accepted the board’s request that he give leadership to this new venture. And thank God for all the faithful men and women who were a part of this move in 1969. Over the next three years they moved from the High School band room to Kaufman’s Cafe building, to Pioneer Hall, to a tool shed located on our present property, and then into our present building, albeit unfinished. Finally in October of 1978, nine years after moving to Freeman, this building was dedicated. Then two years later the Marion Church merged with the church here in Freeman.
Thank God for 50 years of ministry. Scores of people have been led to Christ, ministered to, counseled, and helped. Each one of you was impacted in some way by this congregation. A number of you were involved in the ministries of this congregation. This church has produced pastors, Christian workers, and committed followers of Christ. Over the years many have moved away. So the sphere of influence extends far beyond the Freeman area. Only God knows how many lives have been touched, directly and indirectly, through the ministry of the Freeman Missionary Church.
Thank God for His faithfulness down through the years. Through the joys and the sorrows, the successes and the failures, the triumphs and the trials, the good times and the bad, God’s faithfulness has sustained us. Because God is faithful, we can have peace of mind in any circumstance – even in the face of death. Although we change and the seasons of life come and go, our faithful God is always the same. Since we belong to Him through Christ, He will never forget, neglect, or abandon us. And because God is faithful, He will continue his work, in us, until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns. (see Phil. 1:6)
On this milestone, this jubilee, let us commit anew to living for the Lord and serving Him faithfully. (see Joshua 24:24)
For pictures from the celebration
For video from the celebration